Every scientist has felt the calling to discover the next great breakthrough in science. Every doctor wants to come up with the next health aid or medical procedure. And don’t forget the ever elusive fountain of youth. This happens across all disciplines of science and across all facets of life actually; it is our quest to discover the unknown.
But what we don’t know CAN actually hurt us. The saying, “Sticks and stones my break my bones, but words will never hurt me.”; in today’s world is absolutely the OPPOSITE of what is happening in our brains.
It is true that lower brainwave frequencies are where creativity and focused attention occur; usually in the Alpha range of 7 to 13 Hz. The following is a list of benefits to Alpha Brainwave Entrainment by EquiSync® .

What they didn’t include on this list is that brainwave activity under 13 Hz is where healing and spirituality occur. The average person with no sense of awareness of their brainwaves (meaning they aren’t thinking about thinking- LOL) are usually functioning around 30 Hz.

This is where confusion, lack of focus and dis-EASE occurs. WHAT?! That’s right our fast-paced lives are literally accelerating our illness and aging. EMF is bad for our brainwaves and bad for our organs. Sadly, every time you bring up EMF someone calls you a Tinfoil Hat conspiracy theorist. Ironically, even AI chat knows that EMF is bad for humans.

So what does this all mean? You must lower your brainwaves in order to re-gain control of your body for whole Wellness. How do you lower your brainwaves? Protection from EMF, mindfulness/meditation, yoga, prayer/ritual, sound frequencies or Tai Chi Gung… or a combination of all of them!
But what does that have to do with Sticks and Stones? In today’s high frequency world, it is harder than ever to escape the negativity in the news, in the schools, in the court rooms and even in our places of worship. Without the ability to self-regulate our emotions due to high brainwave activity; we cannot dismiss dis-ease from a negative self-image, or our sense of security being threatened, and dis-ease will manifest in our bodies as illness.
1- Lower your brainwave frequencies
2- Learn about Positive Psychology Affirmations to heal
3- Protect yourself from high frequency electronics
AND the negativity from other people
4- Learn to charge your Chi to act as a protective bubble
Learn more about Protection from EMF
Learn more about Mindfulness/Meditation
Learn more about Sound Frequencies
Learn more about Tai Chi Gung