Part of the reason for making this website is to create income from the products that truly promote Wellness, so that we can continue to share information. We are Affiliate members of the programs below; and you can be too! Like many single-income families, we have searched and tried many, many money makers over the last 40 years. So, we can root out a looser deal pretty quickly.
The beauty of these programs is that they really are science based and have EVERYTHING to do with Wellness.
Second, is they don't cost anything to get started! What?! Yup that's right! Zero initial investment with the exception of your personal consumption or use of the product.
Third, the products pretty much sell themselves. Each one has an important part of Wellness at its core technology and people will purchase them because they really do impact our health.
Finally, each company has passion for healing in their heart. These products are from people who understand Wellness and they are serving in passion.
Listed in no particular order: