The number one thing people miss understand is Energy. What is energy? Everything. That’s why you can extract electricity right out of the sky; all be it a very small amount.
The greatest misconception is that humans’ main source of Energy is food. Wrong. Our main source of Energy is Prana. Food contains Prana and other nutrients our physical bodies need but it is not our only source or even main source.
Humans absorb Prana, not just in our digestive system but through ALL of our senses. For example, the Sun is a very powerful source of Prana. It is well known that the Sun cleanses, but it energizes too. The physical science is evident in the production of Vitamin D which feeds the mitochondria in our cells. Humans were designed to find and use Prana naturally, holistically. In fact, the very act of breathing absorbs Prana, when we do it right.
Yoga and Tai Chi Gung are the way our bodies charge our Energy, in a conscious manner. Meaning functions like breathing and eating are almost automatic but still bring us Prana whereas Yoga and TCG are physical activities you are consciously doing to pre-charge or re-charge your Energy body. They are both very powerful, but we can and do charge our Energy with other forms of physical activity such as sports, playing music or signing. But again, we aren’t necessarily aware that we are charging our Energy while playing basketball at the park; we just know it makes us feel better.
But I will argue our greatest source of Prana absorption and spontaneous creation happens in the brain. Once you know that you have the option to control your life with positive psychology and the vagus nerve; you are fully capable of changing your life for the better. Take Charge!!
